This book begins with you working along as Scott Guthrie builds a complete ASP.NET MVC reference application. Put your newfound knowledge to the test as you program a complete game! You?ll also cover DirectSound and DirectInput. Then it?s on to DirectX 9 as you learn how to create a basic framework and a Direct3D device. Begin with a comprehensive look at programming with C#?from the basics of classes to advanced topics such as polymorphism and abstraction. It includes the fundamental topics you?ll need to know and covers additional topics that you?ll find helpful along the way. Selamat belajar.Īre you ready to try your hand at programming games using C#? 'Beginning C# Game Programming' is your ideal introductory guide?designed to jumpstart your experience with C# and DirectX 9. Saya ambil dari bermacam-macam situs warez e-book.
Net Programmer memperoleh tutorial serta buku2 bermutu. Thread ini untuk mempermudah pencarian resource untuk VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net dan SQL Server (.Net Programming) sehubungan kesulitan pencarian di Thread E-Books sehingga saya memberanikan diri untuk posting thread ini untuk membantu.